Spousal Support

May 4, 2023

Mediation Confidentiality is the Key

No one really thinks about confidentiality when they schedule mediation. But really mediation confidentiality is the key to a successful mediation. Why? Without it the mediator […]
November 3, 2016

Do’s and Dont’s during Family Law Matters

Sometimes I am asked, what should I be doing while my case is pending. I usually tell clients to keep a log of anything related to […]
July 8, 2015

Does Texas Have Alimony?

The short answer to this question is no Texas does not have Alimony. Instead, Texas has spousal maintenance and has very specific guidelines to be met […]
May 19, 2015

What are Temporary Orders in Divorce

Temporary Orders in divorce are used to resolve some of the issues on a temporary basis. Some of these issues are child support, visitation, use of […]
December 22, 2014

Can I Get Spousal Support In Texas?

Until about twenty years ago, the answer was “no.” The Legislature enacted limited alimony in the 1990s, and the law has been recently expanded with 2011’s […]
December 18, 2014

Temporary Orders In A Divorce

Even the fastest divorce proceeding can take months, and sometimes the parties cannot wait that long for enforceable court orders concerning property division, child custody, child […]