I met a sweet lady last week who told me the story of her 50 year relationship with another woman. She told me how, up until just a few years ago, they would tell everyone that they were just friends, in fact, best of friends who chose to be roommates. It made me think about what gay and lesbian couples must have gone through trying to keep everything secret. Trying not to offend anyone. Trying not to upset family.
Today, people I know still do some of that. They are worried about what their family and friends will say. They are worried about losing people closest to them. So a lot of that has not changed.
I found this article from 2012 which talks about the acceptance of gay couples in America. As you can see acceptance of gay couples has continually grown. As a follow-up to the 2012 poll, this article shows that acceptance is still in favor of gay couples.
Then, yesterday, I heard this story of a mom telling her daughter that she was going to a wedding. When the daughter asked whose wedding it was the mom told her it was for two women. The daughter looked at her mom and said, “why?” There was a long enough pause for the mom to realize she was going to have to explain why two women wanted to get married, but then the daughter finished her sentence, “Aren’t they married already? They act like they are.”
It made me think about how times have changed for same-sex couples. In the eyes of a young little girl this couple was just like any other couple. So while not everyone is as accepting as a little girl, a LOT has change in 50 years.