I’ve heard it time and time again. One party will say, “I want a Judge to hear my side so why should I mediate?” The short answer to “Why you should mediate” is that you maintain control of the situation. When you litigate you put your case in the hands of the Judge giving up all control of the outcome. Mediation give you the power to create an agreement that works for all parties. When you present your case to the Judge you are bound by the rules of evidence. Sometimes this means important evidence you have may not be permitted to be shown to the Judge. Additionally, sometimes you will not be able to say some of the information you have. In mediation, this does not happen. You get to tell your side without evidence rules or objections preventing you from speaking.
It does not matter if your mediation is for family law or in probate. In all mediations you have the ability to speak freely and openly with the mediator. You have the ability to craft solutions that will work for all parties rather than leaving it up to the Judge to determine the outcome of your case.
Want to read more about the mediations we do here?
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