I’ve had potential clients meet with me and the number one hangup they have is that they are afraid. They are afraid of what the future holds. They are afraid of living on their own. They are afraid for their children. Simply put they are afraid.
This fear is completely understandable. I would be afraid too. After all, whether you have been together 6 months or 16 years, there has been a reliance on your spouse for something. That reliance could be financial, emotional, or general helping one another.
While I cannot remove the fear from my clients what I can tell them is that they will get through this. Sometimes that is to complete the divorce. Sometimes that even means that they reconcile with their spouse.
The key is understanding. Understanding that your life will change. Understanding that some of these changes will be really good and some of these changes will not be as good. Understanding that, just like when you met your spouse, you will adapt. Understanding that fear is natural, everyone is afraid of the unknown.
What I can tell my clients is what remedies are available to them in court. I can tell them about how their property can be divided. I can tell them how child support is calculated and what to prepare to either pay or received. I can tell them that we can get orders put in place fairly quickly on a temporary basis so that throughout the divorce process you and your spouse know what you can spend money on, who can live where, when you see the children, and many other remedies.
Just as with life in general, do not let fear be the only thing that keeps you in a situation in which you are unhappy. There is fear in everything you do every day yet it does not stop you. It should not be the only reason for you to stay.