Yesterday evening a grandfather shot and killed the mother and grandmother of his grandchild. Apparently he did not like the outcome from a hearing that had occurred earlier. You can see the news article about it here.
This article reminds me to consider all circumstances for my clients. Yes they want their children. Yes they want to have decision-making for their children. But also they want to be there for their children. Custody battles get very emotional, no matter whether you just had the child or if they are 15 years or older. Parents are very attached to their children and start getting very heated as custody battles continue on.
This article makes one step back and think about the full picture. I do not know the details of the hearing or what exactly made this grandfather think that shooting people was the right choice. He will be paying the price for that action in one way or another, but now there are two children growing up without their mother and grandmother. No matter the hurt or anger you feel towards the other person, putting the children above all of that anger or hurt and being there for them to guide them and help them grow.