I get a lot of telephone calls asking if I charge a consultation fee. The simple answer is yes, but the more complicated answer is that you actually want me to charge that consultation fee. Now you might ask yourself why would I want her to charge me if I can go down the street and get a free consultation? My answer is simply because you will have my full, undivided, unbiased attention until the consultation is over.
Some attorneys do offer free consultations, but their goal in doing that is to then convince you that you must hire them to represent you. They usually rush through the consultation so they can get you to sign a retainer agreement and move on to the next paying client. That is how they can afford to offer free consultations because no matter what the case they plan to convince you to sign on as a client. This free consultation may actually end up costing you more in the end than whatever consultation charge another attorney will charge.
Not all attorneys are the same. Those that charge a consultation fee do not necessarily differ from what I described above for the free consultations, but the ones that do charge the consultation fee know that they are getting paid for their time to meet with you.
As for me, I do not look at my watch when you are meeting with me. I do not knowingly give incorrect advice to a potential client just to try to convince them to retain me. I have told people how they can accomplish their goals without hiring an attorney. I have advised them when they should wait to hire an attorney to help keep their costs low. I have also told people when they really need to hire an attorney. I can do this because I charge a consultation fee. I am not looking to simply get you to retain me if it is unnecessary or if you are unsure of what you want to do. I am simply there to give you my undivided attention and advice.