Today, as every day, Facebook provides me with a look back on this day. However, today I saw a video of my then 2 year old child saying “I don’t like the Aggies!” That same child is now 6 and INSISTS on watching EVERY Aggie football game and now wants to watch the basketball games. If he could wear Aggie clothes every day he would. So what does this have to do with a divorce blog? Maybe nothing, maybe everything.
When things change in your relationship a couple has a few options: (1) work through those issues (2) ignore the issue (3) seek divorce (4) seek counseling or (5) seek spiritual advice. There are probably many other options a couple has as well. Sometimes one party jumps straight to the divorce, sometimes the couple chooses to ignore it and hope it goes away, and other times there is counseling or working it out. No matter what decision is made, if you walk into my office seeking advice about a divorce some of the questions I will ask you are whether you have sought counseling, whether the other party knows you are considering divorce, whether you have thought about how family will look after divorce.
Whether you choose to work out your issues or proceed with a divorce the simple fact is that things will change. They may change like my child who suddenly wants to see all Aggie games and I accept it and watch some of them with him. Or they will change to where you go your separate ways, but either way change is inevitable. There is no one right or wrong answer. There is no one answer that works for every couple. What there is though is change.