As I sit in my office working on cases I hear the thunder rolling, the dark clouds covering the sky, and the rain coming down. Sometimes the sounds of a storm is a calming thing, but other times it can be nerve-racking or even scary. Sometimes a storm is just a quick downpour of rain and blows over quickly. Other times it lingers and lingers for hours.
The same goes for relationships. Sometimes storms are calming but other times you wonder if you will weather the storm. I think storms are necessary for relationships but in healthy doses. People tend to keep emotions bottled up inside or do not tell their significant other what is bothering them. Eventually though, those things do come out and sometimes in an electrifying, thunderous storm that you did not know was coming. Once they have gotten it out and feel like they have been heard there is a sense of relief that comes from having said what is on your mind. No two people can get along perfectly day in day out without a few storms coming along the way. Just like your yard, yes you water it, but when a storm comes through the yard soaks up all the water and just becomes a bit more alive. Same with relationships.
However, when there are more stormy days than there are calm days, that is when it might be time to start talking to someone. Whether that be counseling to try to work through the issues or friends to lean on, or worst case scenario divorce attorneys to try to end the relationship you should definitely seek some form of advice. A healthy relationship should not have constant fighting and yelling and arguing. It should be a relationship where the parties can talk to each other and voice their opinions without being ridiculed, demeaned, yelled at, etc.