As we know, Texas does not like to go down without a fight when it comes to the same-sex movement. As evidenced in Lawrence v. Texas when the right to private acts of two consenting adults was challenged. As evidenced in the Texas Bathroom Bills. And now as evidenced in the fight over same-sex couple benefits. The Texas Supreme Court, under pressure chose to rehear the case regarding whether the Obergefell decision meant that same-sex married couples are entitled to the benefits of married couples. Click here for the article from the Texas Tribune regarding this soon to be landmark decision.
As I read through this article it got me to thinking about separate but equal back in the days of segregation. In those days as long as there were equal things for blacks as there were for whites then it was ok. So it was ok to have designated spots on the bus for blacks to sit, designated water fountains, designated bathrooms, designated anything and as long as that existed then it was considered equal. Well we all know how well that worked out.
Now Texas is trying to say that same-sex married couples should not even have equal treatment. Texas is trying to say that all that same-sex couples should be entitled to is marriage. I anticipate that after the ruling from the Texas Supreme Court no matter which side it falls this case will go all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.