Time to Work Together During the Coronavirus
As we listen to the news, some of us believe that this is nothing to worry about while others are shutting down operations. The Coronavirus is causing changes in the way business is done, no matter, which side of this you are on. Many are working from home. Some are still going to the office, but noticing little traffic getting there. Grocery stores are selling out almost as quickly as they can stock their shelves. Movie theaters, bars, restaurants, etc. are either being ordered to shut down, or or voluntarily shutting down.
The Coronavirus is causing changes to law firms too. Some firms are shutting down, some are working from home, and others are operating as normal. My firm is one of the firms that is working from home. I am offering video conferencing and telephone conference for meetings with current and prospective clients and video conferencing for mediations so no one has to have in person contact.
Here are some things you should be aware of in the Family Law context as a result of the Coronavirus changes happening:
I am a parent who is dealing with children being at home, doing school work, and trying to also work. I understand that possibly dealing with legal matters may not be possible during normal work hours. As a result, I am opening up my mediation availability to evenings and weekends. Clients and prospective clients will be able to reach me after hours as well. It is times like these where we need to be more flexible and work together in order to get through this.
I hope everyone is safe and well.